Guatemala visit

Our CEO, Jillian Laing recently visited Guatemala, the fifth largest producing country of macadamias and an inaugural member of the WMO.  Macadamia trees in Guatemala are mostly planted in hilly areas, often interplanted with coffee or over time replacing coffee plants.  This terrain and interplanting means the nuts are harvested by hand.   It rains a lot in Guatemala, especially in the hills, so supplementary irrigation isn’t needed.  The majority of macadamia production is cracked in Guatamala.  Thanks for the wonderful knowledge sharing and hospitality during our Guatamala visit to Thomas, Alberto, Ricardo and their teams. 

Guatemala Visit | World Macadamia Organisation
Guatemala Visit | World Macadamia Organisation
Guatemala Visit| World Macadamia Organisation
Guatemala Visit | World Macadamia Organisation
Guatemala Visit | World Macadamia Organisation
Guatemala Visit | Royal Select | WMO
Guatemala Visit | World Macadamia Organisation