Macadamia kernel product standard
August 2023
Sampling for microbiological & chemical analysis
Sampling should follow the guidelines of ISO 3951-4:2011:
“Sampling procedures for inspection by variables — Part 4: Procedures for assessment of
declared quality levels” or the following sampling prescriptions as a minimum procedure to ensure
representative sampling of the lot:
- All products must be sampled and tested at the minimum rate of not less than 1.0 kg for each production lot (or batch) of kernel. A 1.0 kg test sample must be collected using a minimum of 20 sub-samples, taken representatively throughout the production of the lot.
- Lot size for this purpose must not exceed 20 tonnes of kernel.
- If a validated pasteurisation process is used, lot sizes may be increased to 30 tonnes.
- Samples must represent each style produced and are to be collected at the point of kernel packing.
Laboratory accreditation
All laboratories undertaking microbiological and chemical analysis must be accredited by NATA or an
ISO17025 Accredited or another equivalent Food Physico-Chemical and Microbiological analytical
Kernel retention samples
Retention samples for microbiological and chemical analysis must be retained for each batch of
product at a minimum rate of 400 g per lot (lot size must not exceed the defined limits) under the
recommended storage conditions of the finished product and for the shelf-life of the product in
packaging that will protect the integrity of the product for the intended test purpose.
Physical kernel specifications at the point of packing
Macadamia kernel sold as premium grade must meet the acceptable limits for kernel moisture,
appearance, taste, foreign material, shell, and defective kernel as set out in Table 4 or meet agreed
customer specifications.
All products must be representatively sampled and tested. Lot size for this purpose shall not exceed
1 tonne of kernel for each test. Samples are to represent each style produced and are to be collected
prior to or at the point of kernel packing.