Final kernel product testing

Physical kernel specifications

Premium grade
Kernel moisture content Not to exceed 1.8%
Appearance and taste White/cream in colour or as specified for roasted product
Free from excessive dust or oil.
Crunchy texture (excluding meal) with a typical macadamia flavour
Free from off odours and flavours
Each style must be reasonably uniform in shape, colour and size.
Foreign matter* Target nil
Loose shell** Style 0-4: max 1 piece per 10kg
Style 5-8: max 3 pieces per 10kg
Impacted shell*** Not more than 1% of kernels by weight
Unsound Kernel (Reject plus Commercial Grade Kernel) Not more than a combined total of 3% Unsound Kernel by weight, of which Reject Grade Kernel must not exceed 2% by weight
Wholes, halves, piece count Must meet specification per Table 1 and/or as per customer requirements


* Foreign matter includes any product that is not kernel and/or shell
** Loose shell is defined as pieces of shell that cannot pass through a 3mm round hole.
*** Impacted shell is defined as shell that is embedded in the kernel and cannot pass through a 2mm round hole

Agrichemical residue testing

All products must conform to importing country’s maximum residue levels (MRL) for agricultural chemicals.