Vietnam Visit 2023

Vietnam visit 2023

The Vietnam Macadamia Association is a founding member of the WMO.  Jillian Laing‘s latest visit was to the Dien Bien Phu area, in the Northwest, near the border with Laos.

Vietnam forecasts 8,800 MT nut-in-shell in 2023, with this increasing to over 20,000 MT by 2027. This area mostly has new plantings that will come into production in the next 2-3 years. The trees are on hilly terrain, around 700m elevation, and significant terracing work helps with tree maintenance and harvesting in due course. There was some novel interplanting with the new trees, including delicious passionfruit.

Macadamias are consumed locally, predominately in nut-in-shell format, with increasing availability of kernel too in supermarkets and local stores.

Thanks Tien Duc Ha, CFA and the Vietnam team for your hospitality and ongoing support.

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